Exam Rules

University Examination Center


The University has formal examinations in March/April, August/September and in December/January, at such other times as the Senate decides

Identification at Examinations

If a student fails to present his or her student registration card and cannot be identified by a departmental representative, he or she will be required to produce it his or her student registration card within 5 working days to the relevant department. If the student fails to do so, his/her results for that examination in the subject involved will be cancelled. The warning of this penalty will be printed on the notice board (and Failure to produce a student card) which he or she is required to complete in the examination room.)

Dishonesty at examinations

Departments that consider it probable that dishonesty has occurred in any form of examination must submit a report on students involved to the Deputy Rector for action in accordance with the rules on disciplinary and procedures.

Note: A class test and any other form of assessment contributing into a final result is an examination for the purpose of this rule.

Application for the checking of examination results

A candidate may apply for the examination result to be checked, but may not apply to have a script remarked. Checking is limited to the adding up of marks, and to making sure that marks have been allotted to every section of every question attempted.

If as a result of the checking of a script, the class of pass is changed, any fee charged for the checking will be refunded. In cases where the class of pass does not change, but the mark does, the record will be adjusted. The mark will be changed on the record even if the class of pass does not change, but the fee will be rescinded only if the class of pass is affected

Rules for invigilation

Examination Invigilation

The rules regarding invigilation are as follows:

The Examinations Officer will advise the departments of the number of invigilators needed for each examination and venue. The HOD or nominee (the responsible person in the department) does the nomination of invigilation sessions.   The Examinations Officer must be informed of the names of all invigilators and the chief invigilator for each examination and venue by the set date.


  • Every member of the academic staff shall be required to undertake invigilation duties as specified by his or her head of departments, the head having ultimate accountability for the examination. No remuneration is paid for the fulfillment of these duties.
  • Remaining invigilation tasks may be assigned to staff outside of their job descriptions and must be remunerated at a fair rate. These payments will be made from central University funds.
  • The onus rests on the heads of departments who arrange their own examinations and invigilators to provide the Registrar (Examinations Office) with lists of the names of staff (including the Chief invigilators) who invigilate, so that the necessary payments can be made.
  • Invigilators are to be provided for each session as per the following guidelines: Two invigilators for the first fifty students and one additional invigilator for every additional fifty students (or part thereof).  At least one female invigilator must be present in each venue.  This ratio should be used as a guideline for providing invigilators for class tests.

Publication of examination results


  • Official publication of results

The only results published and entered on a student’s record are:

  1. The result for the course approved by the Faculty Board or Examinations Committee, and
  2. The result for the course approved by the Faculty Board or Examinations Committee following a deferred or supplementary examination.

University Grading System


Results are classified and published as follows in all courses for bachelors and honours degrees and for diplomas and certificates:


95 – 100             = 4.00 =           A+       Distinction

90 – 94               = 3.50 =           A         Extremely Good

85 – 89               = 3.33 =           B+      Very Good

80 – 84               = 3.00 =           B         Good

75 – 79               = 2.5 =             C+       Fairly Good

70 – 74               = 2.33 =           C         Average

65 – 69               = 2.00 =           D+       Poor

60 – 64               = 1.5 =            D         Very Poor

00 – 59               = 0     =            F          Failure

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